Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I am hottest man in the world, Confirmed!

Sometimes I receive unsolicited emails from 'Russian ladies' but this one above all the others has won a special place in my heart, enjoy!

 Hi to the hottest man in the world, which is (my name went here but please feel free to insert your own!), my name is Nadezhda and i'm from Russia, but currently living in the USA. I just wanted to let you know that seeing your profile* made me want to have you in my life. You are type of guy, who can help through bad times and share the good times and I would love to have someone like you next to me. If its mutual, email me, this is my email** and I will send some of my photos. Hugs, Nadezhda

Oh Nadezhda, sadly ours is a mutual which cannot be.  For I know you are not a real lady.

But I am not a real man so! It is all lies, lies all the way down, a bot and a bat can never be, not even Tom Waits sang a song about that romance. Sorry my cuddly Russian Bearbot.

           *Profile? What profile because I am not on Friendface, Chainlinked, Twatter, Pinheadterist, Snatchprat ...ohh bugger                 maybe it was enjizz?
**not a real email, at least I sincerely hope not! If it is, don't do it! Those 'Russian ladies' will steal more than your heart! 45 knows!

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